Mike Hopkins

Tag: 00s

  • Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse – Of Montreal

    Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse – Of Montreal

    There’s something to be said for chaos in music. Ever since the advent of atonal theory and composers such as Arnold Schoenberg, there has been countless amounts of experimental music that tests the limits of music and – if I’m being frank – tests the limits of a listener’s ability to suspend judgment until after…

  • Resolve – Lagwagon

    Resolve – Lagwagon

    My first exposure to Lagwagon was on an old compilation album from Mark Hoppus’ clothing line called Atticus: Dragging the Lake that my friend Tim Packett loaned me circa 2004. Let me describe for you a little of what Mike Hopkins was like in 2004: imagine, if you will, a scrawny kid with shaggy hair…